What to Expect After the Peel

It's your first visit & you've just had the Peel. Here's what to expect over the next 4-5 days...

  • So you’ve had the Peel and you’re wondering what you can expect:  Firstly, do not wash your face and don’t wear any makeup or other products until day two. Do wear a wide-brimmed hat to protect your skin from the sun and avoid any activity that would cause you to sweat.

    The following morning you can wash your face with a gentle cleanser and apply a thin layer of the DRY OUT product. Reapply 3-4 times per day on clean skin.

  • Your face should now resemble a sunburned British tourist on holiday in Ibiza. Your red-hued skin will persist throughout the day. You may also notice some skin tightness, this is normal. Just keep applying a thin layer of the DRY OUT product and reapply 3-4 times per day on clean skin.

    This product speeds up the healing process and supports and enhances peeling by stimulating rehabilitation and regeneration.

  • This is the transformational part of the peeling process as your skin begins to peel and flake off. At this stage, you will apply a few drops of the CALM & HYDRATE product to your face 4-6 times per day on clean skin.

    This product boosts exfoliation while moisturizing and restoring elasticity. You will also want to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen if planning to venture outdoors.

  • Day 4 will feel like a page from Kafka’s Metamorphosis as your skin continues to undergo its transformation and your dull dead skin sloughs off revealing radiant, baby-soft skin beneath. Do not pick peeling skin as this could result in pigmentation.

    At this stage, you will begin applying the PEEL & RENEW product 5-6 times per day on clean skin. You will continue to use this product until the peeling process is complete.

    This product softens the skin and enhances the peeling process while boosting cell regeneration.

  • It’s a new dawn...it’s a new day...and you’re feeling good! The last of the dead skin has sloughed away and all that’s left is clearer, tighter, glowing, gorgeous fresh skin!